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Youth Education

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Hebrew School: Students can participate in Hebrew school beginning in 3rd grade through 6th grade. Here they become familiar with the Hebrew aleph-bet and our prayers. Students are instructed by Rabbi Bellows and other teachers. 

Bet Mitzvah Program:  Typically at age thirteen as a culmination of their Jewish education students begin studying to become a b’nai mitzvah. Youth develop the skills to lead an entire Shabbat Service and read directly from a Torah scroll. They also complete a Mitzvah project to embody the Jewish value of tikkun olam. Becoming a b’nai mitzvah is a meaningful milestone in becoming a part of the Jewish community.

Confirmation:  In tenth grade, students may choose to further enrich their Jewish education through confirmation. They participate in a monthly class with Rabbi Bellows where they discuss modern topics and how it relates to their Judaism. This class also includes a trip to a location of Jewish significance and culminates in a confirmation ceremony at the end of the school year.