Anniversary Events



Kicking Off the Celebration…

February 23-25, 2024: Jacob Spike Kraus as Artist-in-Residence




Remembering Our History

April 28, 2024:  Tour of Our Original Building in Lafayette plus a digital guide of Temple Israel related Jewish landmarks in Lafayette by Sean Lutes, Director of Preserve Historic Lafayette.

Celebrating Our Present

August 16, 2024: Plantings for Our Future – tree and floral planting at our new playground.

September 7, 2024: Comedy Night – Social event and comedy performance with Vik Pandya and Chicago area comedians.

Investing in Our Future

November 23, 2024: Casino Royale Fundraiser recognizing the anniversaries of Temple Israel (175 years) and Temple Israel Foundation (50 years)

Jacob Spike Kraus
Jacob Spike Kraus
Original Temple
Original Temple
A photograph of two temple members planting flowers into a planter.
A photograph taken by the door leading to the playground. It showcases two planters of flowers.
A photograph of the dedication ceremony. The rabbi is leading a song.
Image of plaque which reads "Planted in Celebration of Temple Israel's 175th Anniversary; August 2024"
A photograph of the newly planted tree next to our playground.

Flowers and Tree Planting to Celebrate our 175th Anniversary