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Community Action

Our Social Action Committee believes there should be something for everyone at Temple Israel. We offer opportunities to engage with a variety of causes and community partners in many ways—volunteering, donating, tabling, and creating.

Our energized committee plans to have at least one activity a month, such as:

  • Collecting non-perishables for our annual High Holy Day food drive benefiting Food Finders Food Bank
  • Introducing more activities like our “Jewish Pride Trivia” at our booth at OUTFest, annual awareness event for the LGBTQ+ community
  • Building and installing a Book Sharing Box at our entrance, which welcomes all who enter the building, promotes literacy, and shares good reads
  • Collaborating with WREC/Wabash River Enhancement Corporation to replace invasive shrubs and plants on our grounds with eco-friendly landscaping
  • Joining other volunteers for WREC’s Invasive Species Removal Workday
  • Collecting underwear (and other items) for LTHC Homeless Services for its “Show You Care with Underwear” drive
  • Serving dinner at LTHC
  • Collecting gently used clothing for the YWCA’s Dress for Success project
  • Volunteering for United Way special project assembling holiday care packages for families and veterans in need
  • Supporting Animal Advocates of Greater Lafayette by collecting pet supplies 

Our Social Action Committee is developing partnerships in the Greater Lafayette community as we expand ways to fulfill our Jewish mission of tikkun olam, repairing the world.