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Please consider donating to a listed fund below that supports Temple Israel and its activities by using the PayPal/credit card payment portal via the donation form tab. In lieu of making an online donation, checks may be sent to the Temple office indicating the fund you wish to support.

Temple Israel members should not use this portal for pledge payments as these are best made through the MEMBERS ONLY portal.

Temple Funds

Art Fund For purchase of artwork and materials for Temple Israel display
Building Preservation Fund Expands and/or improves temple physical facilities and grounds; used for major maintenance and repair projects.
Caring Committee For purchase of needed items, primarily in support of Shiva, as well as other committee-supported activities.
Cemetery Fund For cemetery grounds upkeep and beautification.
General Fund For day-to-day operating expenses of Temple Israel, including maintaining staff and facilities.
High Holy Days Music Fund To provide special music and performances for the High Holy Days.
Jewish Youth Activities Fund To encourage and support our youth in attending Jewish cultural and educational programming, study trips, and other Jewish-related activities that deepen their Jewish identity and understanding of how to live Jewishly.
Kathy Cohen Religious Education Fund An endowment fund to pay tuition expenses for the religious education of our children. 
Landscaping Fund For grounds maintenance and beautification.
Library Fund For subscriptions, books, and other materials for the Temple Israel library.
Mitzvah Fund Aids Temple Israel members and others in times of need.
Music Fund Enhances the musical quality of our programs.
Playground Fund Provides for the maintenance and improvement to the Temple Israel playground.
Prayerbook Fund For the purchase of new prayerbooks.
Rabbi Discretionary Fund For use by the rabbi for worthy causes that reflect the ideals of Temple Israel.
Rabbi Levinson Youth Camp Fund An endowment fund to support our youth’s participation at Jewish summer camps.
Tikkun Olam For support of Temple Israel programs and projects focusing on social action and social justice.
Torah Care Fund To repair, restore or replace the congregation’s Torah scrolls.